Editorial illustration for the back cover of EL SALTO. This time Layla Martínez talks about a generation of creative women in Spain who started fighting for a better situation with their songs in the ’70s. María Jiménez was widely known for her song “Se acabó”, in which she spoke openly and in a rebel fresh tone about the violence she suffered from her husband.
I wanted to complement this beautiful text with this piece doing the same they did. It brought me memories from my first relationship and how I ended up deeply hating roses because of the pain I knew that would come after getting one as an apology gift. I unconsciously related that beautiful flower to the cycle of violence and psychological abuse.
Thank you El Salto and Layla for always giving me important topics to talk about 🖤
Text: Layla Martínez
Client: EL SALTO
Art Direction: Byron Maher & Sancho Somalo
Issue: #53
Year: 2021