Amazon’s Trickle-Down Monopoly
Cover for the last Data & Society report, called Amazon’s Trickle-Down Monopoly and written by Moira Weigel.
“In this report, Moira Weigel tells the story of a group of hidden intermediaries who have played key roles in making Amazon one of the most powerful corporations in the world, while remaining mostly invisible to customers: third-party (3P) sellers”.
“Amazon’s Trickle-Down Monopoly shows that it is by eliciting and constraining the agency of small business owners — rather than simply eliminating them — that Amazon has gained its power over global retail. In the process, countless small businesses across the world have made themselves in Amazon’s image. Given the long-standing economic and ideological supports for small business in the United States and beyond, and the changes that Amazon continues to enact for 3P sellers, the question remains: just how much time, value, resources, subsidies, profits, and loyalty does this transformation allow Amazon to claim as their own?”
Client: Data & Society Research Institute
Year: 2023
Art Director: Gloria Mendoza